The Knights of the Alter Programme is designed to help students internalize the Catholic formation they receive by enabling them to actively participate in the liturgy as altar servers and develop a personal prayer life that will help them form life-long habits.
Programme Structure
The boys have to memorize the responses to the Mass in both English and Latin. An aspirant must show fluid command of the ins and outs of sacristy lore, be able to serve as Master of Ceremonies for the often complicated Feastday and Solemnity Masses, and also be a role model for other boys, with no disciplinary problems whatsoever.
Knighthood Investiture Ceremony
After a pizza party, the boys have a sleep-over in the school building. Before going to bed, those about to become Knights spend half an hour in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, just like the knights of old. The next morning they wake up early and process out carrying candles to the ruins of a 7th century chapel on the school grounds.
There the priest solemnly presents them with the red cassock and white surplices of a Knight of the Altar, knights them with a cross in a simple but heart-stirring ceremony, and invites them to pronounce a special prayer written for the occasion.
For many boys, reaching that moment is like a dream come true.